Full CV and publication list can be found here.
Education and employment
2022 - present
Carnegie-Princeton Fellow
Carnegie Observatories.
2019 - 2022
Ph.D. in Physics
Department of Astrophysics, Tel Aviv University. Thesis in the field of supermassive black holes and their impact on their hosts galaxies, under the supervision of prof. Hagai Netzer.
2017 - 2019
M.Sc. in Physics
Department of Astrophysics, Tel Aviv University. Thesis in the field of Active Galactic Nuclei under the supervision of prof. Hagai Netzer.
2011 - 2017
B.Sc. in Physics
B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
Tel Aviv University.
Specializations in EE: Signal Processing and Electro-Optics.
Selected awards and honors
Carnegie-Princeton Research Fellowship
The Asher Peres prize for excellent experimental Ph.D. student
Israel Physical Society.
The Adams fellowship for excellent graduate students
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
Additional details can be found here.
The John Bahcall astrophysics graduate student prize for excellence in research
School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University.
List of publications
Summary: 26 total, 16 first author.
26. PHANGS-ML: dissecting multiphase gas and dust in nearby galaxies using machine learning
D. Baron, K. M. Sandstrom, E. Rosolowsky, O. V. Egorov, R. S. Klessen, A. K. Leroy, et al.
The Astronomical Journal, submitted (2024).
Link to Arxiv.
25. Not so windy after all: MUSE disentangles AGN-driven winds from merger-induced flows in rapidly- transitioning galaxies
D. Baron, H. Netzer, D. Lutz, R. Davies, and J. X. Prochaska.
The Astronomical Journal, submitted (2024).
Link to Arxiv.
24. Star formation and molecular gas properties of post-starburst galaxies.
D. Baron, H. Netzer, F. K. Decker, D. Lutz, R. Davies, and J. X. Prochaska..
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524, 2741B (2023).
Link to Arxiv.
23. Multi-phase outflows in post starburst E+A galaxies -- I. General wind properties and the prevalence of starbursts.
D. Baron, H. Netzer, D. Lutz, J. X. Prochaska, and R. Davies.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509, 4457B (2022).
Link to Arxiv.
22. Extracting the main trend in a dataset: the Sequencer algorithm.
21. AGN-driven outflows and the AGN feedback efficiency in young radio galaxies.
F. Santoro, C. Tadhunter, D. Baron, R. Morganti and J. Holt.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 644, id.A54, 38 pp (2020).
Link to Arxiv.
20. Ionized outflows in local luminous AGN: what are the real densities and outflow rates?
R. Davies, D. Baron, T. Shimizu, H. Netzer, L. Burtscher, P.T. de Zeeuw, R. Genzel, E.K.S. Hicks, M. Koss, M.-Y. Lin, D. Lutz, W. Maciejewski, F. Müller-Sánchez, G. Orban de Xivry, C. Ricci, R. Riffel, R.A. Riffel, D. Rosario, M. Schartmann, A. Schnorr-Müller, J. Shangguan, A. Sternberg, E. Sturm, T. Storchi-Bergmann, L. Tacconi, and S. Veilleux.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498, 4150 (2020).
Link to Arxiv.
19. Sequencing Seismograms: A Panoptic View of Scattering in the Core-Mantle Boundary Region.
D. Kim, V. Lekic, B. Ménard, D. Baron and M. Taghizadeh-Popp.
Science, 368, issue 6496, pp. 1223 (2020).
Link to Arxiv.
18. Multi-phase outflows in post starburst E+A galaxies - II. direct connection between neutral and ionized outflows in SDSS J124754.95-033738.6.
D. Baron, H. Netzer, R. I. Davies, and J. X. Prochaska.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494, 5396 (2020).
Link to Arxiv.
17. Exploring the Diversity of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei Identified in SDSS-IV/SPIDERS.
J. Wolf, M. Salvato, D. Coffey, A. Merloni, J. Buchner, R. Arcodia, D. Baron, F. J. Carrera, J. Comparat, D. P. Schneider, and K. Nandra.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492, 3580 (2020).
Link to Arxiv.
16. The multiphase gas structure and kinematics in the circumnuclear region of NGC 5728.
T. Shimizu, R. I. Davies, D. Lutz, L. Burtscher, M. Lin, D. Baron, R. L. Davies, R. Genzel, E. K. S. Hicks, M. Koss, W. Maciejewski, F. Müller-Sánchez, G. O. de Xivry, S. H. Price, C. Ricci, R. Riffel, R. A. Riffel, D. Rosario, M. Schartmann, and A. Schnorr-Müller.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490, 5860 (2019).
Link to Arxiv.
15. Machine Learning in Astronomy: a practical overview.
14. Black hole mass estimation for Active Galactic Nuclei from a new angle.
D. Baron and B. Ménard.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487, 3404 (2019).
Link to Arxiv.
13. Discovering AGN-driven winds through their infrared emission - II. Mass outflow rate and energetics.
D. Baron and H. Netzer.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486, 4290 (2019).
Link to Arxiv.
12. Discovering AGN-driven winds through their infrared emission - I. General method and wind location.
D. Baron and H. Netzer.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482, 3915 (2019).
Link to Arxiv.
11. Probabilistic Random Forest: A Machine Learning Algorithm for Noisy Data Sets.
10. Direct evidence of AGN-feedback: a post starburst galaxy stripped of its gas by AGN-driven winds .
D. Baron, H. Netzer, J. X. Prochaska, Z. Cai, S. Cantalupo, D. C. Martin, M. Matuszewski, A. M. Moore, P. Morrissey, and J. D. Neill.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480, 3993 (2018).
Link to Arxiv.
9. On the limitations of statistical absorption studies with the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys I--III.
T. Lan, B. Ménard, D. Baron, S. Johnson, D. Poznanski, J. X. Prochaska, and J. M. O’Meara.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477, 3520 (2018).
Link to Arxiv.
8. Detecting outliers and learning complex structures with large spectroscopic surveys - a case study with APOGEE stars.
I. Reis, D. Poznanski, D. Baron, G. Zasowski, and S. Shahaf.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476, 2117 (2017).
Link to Arxiv.
7. The effect of interstellar absorption on measurements of the baryon acoustic peak in the Lyman α forest.
Y. Vadai, D. Poznanski, D. Baron, P. Nugent, and D. Schlegel.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472, 799 (2017).
Link to Arxiv.
6. Evidence of ongoing AGN-driven feedback in a quiescent post-starburst E+A galaxy.
D. Baron, H. Netzer, D. Poznanski, J. X. Prochaska, and N. M. Forster Schreiber.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470, 1687 (2017).
Link to Arxiv.
5. The weirdest SDSS galaxies: results from an outlier detection algorithm.
D. Baron and D. Poznanski.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465, 4530 (2017).
Link to Arxiv.
4. Evidence That Most Type-1 AGNs are Reddened by Dust in the Host ISM.
D. Baron, J. Stern, D. Poznanski, and H. Netzer.
The Astrophysical Journal, 832, 16 (2016).
Link to Arxiv.
3. Using Machine Learning to classify the diffuse interstellar bands.
D. Baron, D. Poznanski, D. Watson, Y. Yao, N. L. J. Cox, and J. X. Prochaska.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451, 332 (2015).
Link to Arxiv.
2. SciDB for High-Performance Array-Structured Science Data at NERSC.
Y. Yao, B. P. Bowen, D. Baron, and D. Poznanski.
Computing in Science & Engineering, 17, 3, (2015).
Dusting off the diffuse interstellar bands: DIBs and dust in extragalactic Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra.
D. Baron, D. Poznanski, D. Watson, Y. Yao, and J. X. Prochaska.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447, 545 (2015).
Link to Arxiv.
Invited Lecturer in Advanced Schools
Unsupervised Machine Learning methods
Vatican Observatory Summer School on Big Data and Machine Learning.
Castel Gandolfo, Italy.
More details here.
Applications of unsupervised learning to astronomical datasets.
IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa School on Machine Learning, Big Data, and Deep Learning in Astronomy (SOMACHINE 2021).
Held online.
More details here.
Machine learning in astronomy.